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History of UPOA

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UP Orthopaedic Association is at present the largest chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association with more than 1800 members. The Uttar Pradesh Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association was born in 1977 at Lucknow. The inaugural conference of UP Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association was held at KG Medical College, Lucknow on 28th February and 1st March 1977 with the blessings of Prof. B.N. Sinha. All the 40 surgeons who attended were made the founder members of UP Chapter. Prof. B.N. Sinha nominated Prof. A.K. Gupta of Kanpur as President, Dr. A.N. Srivastava of Lucknow as Secretary and Dr. K.P Srivastava of Agra as Treasurer.



  1. At the III Annual Conference (1979) of UPOA at Agra, on the suggestions of Prof K.P Srivastava following important decisions were taken to be executed in phases:
    1. Travelling fellowship programme: Two selected Surgeons to visit Madras, Bombay and Calcutta by rotation at the time of the visit of Johnson & Johnson fellows of I. O. A. every year.
    2. To start the Exchange fellowship by sending two final year postgraduate students to Madhya Pradesh or West Bengal.
    3. To start visiting fellowship by sending some senior teacher to deliver lectures in the city of his choice.
    4. To start the Best paper award in the name of Prof. A. K. Gupta, the Founder President of U. P. Chapter by selecting the best scientific paper presented at the annual conference of U. P. Chapter.
    5. To start an oration in the name of Prof. B. N. Sinha, by an eminent orthopaedic surgeon from or outside the State.
  2. At the IV Annual Conference (1980) of UPOA at Varanasi on the suggestion of Prof M.K.Goel, it was decided to award conferences at non-teaching places also and the next conference was awarded to Bareilly for 1981 with Late. Dr. V.P Adya as organizing secretary.
  3. At the VI Annual Conference (1982) of UPOA at Gorakhpur it was decideda) Dr. B.N. Sinha Oration should be started from the next conference and the orator should be past President of UP Chapter.
    1. Out of two travelling fellows of UP Chapter, one should be from non-teaching side and other from the teaching side.
  4. At the VII Annual Conference (1983) of UPOA at Aligarh, a new award was started named "President's Silver medal" for the best paper.
  5. At the VIII Annual Conference (1984) of UPOA at Meerut, Dr. K.P.Srivastava trophy for best orthopaedic club every year was started.
  6. At the IX Annual Conference (1985) of UPOA at Jhansi
    1. The first issue of the journal of Bone and Joint Diseases was released with Dr. U.K. Jain being the first editor of the journal.
    2. A directory of members of UP chapter was issued in this conference.
  7. At the XIII Annual Conference (1989) of UPOA at Saharanpur
    1. Dr. K. P. Srivastava started a Gold medal in the memory of his father for the best paper published in the Journal of U.P. Chapter named of Sri Bhagwan Prasad Gold medal.
    2. It was decided to award Dr. K.P Srivastava Trophy for best teaching orthopaedic club and Dr. M.K Goel Trophy (new introduction) for best non-teaching orthopaedic club.
    3. Conference should be held alternatively at teaching and non-teaching places.
  8. At the XVI Annual Conference (1992) of UPOA at Bareilly
    1. The poster competition and quiz competition were added in the activities of U.P. Chapter.
    2. The updated directory of members of UP Chapter was published and made available to the members.
    3. A new activity 'Mid Term symposium' along with Executive committee meeting was added to the calendar of UP Chapter of IOA.
  9. At the XXIII Annual Conference (1999) of UPOA at Aligarh
    1. An extra ordinary General Body meeting was held to have some well needed constitution amendments on recommendations of a committee chaired by Prof US Misra.
  10. At the XXIV Annual Conference (2000) of UPOA at Allahabad
    1. It was decided to have symposia/workshops under aegis of UP Chapter at smaller towns with donation of Rs 2000 each. This enabled chapter to have all life membership money in Fixed Deposit.
  11. During 2000
    1. New membership certificates were printed and distributed, (Courtesy Dr. A.N. Verma)
    2. UP Chapter was registered with Registrar of Societies (Courtesy Dr Ajit Saigal).
    3. A new address directory was also printed by Dr SC Goel.
  12. Silver Jubilee conference of the Chapter was organized by Dr Vineet Sharma at Lucknow in 2001.
    1. Two new events Varanasi Oration and Dr Anil Gupta Memorial Lecture were added from this year.
    2. On proposal of Dr M.K.A Sherwani, it was decided to start PG Instructional Course Lectures. First such course was held at Aligarh in March 2001.
  13. The XXVI Annual Conference (2002) of UPOA at Ghaziabad organized by Dr. Naresh Chand was a landmark in the history of association.
  14. At the XXVIII Annual Conference (2004) of UPOA at Kanpur,
    1. It was decided to start two more orations in name of Dr KP Srivastava Agra Oration and Ghaziabad Orations during annual conferences. To pay homage to Dr T.P Srivastava, name of Varanasi Oration was changed to Dr T.P Srivastava Oration.
    2. Feedback analysis of the UPOA activities was done by Dr. Rajeev Agrawal which was published in JBJD VOL XX.
  15. At the XXXI Annual Conference (2007) of UPOA at Muzaffarnagar
    1. A special general body meeting was held and many Constitutional amendments were adopted including one changing name of the chapter to Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association.
    2. Dr. Ashok Gupta from Ghaziabad instituted "Bhagwati Devi Dhanendra Prasad" memorial award for best orthopaedic club having less then 15 members.
    3. UPOA got it's PAN no. (Courtesy Dr Ajit Saigal).
  16. At the XXXII Annual Conference (2008) of UPOA at Aligarh official website of UP Orthopaedic Association was started with the efforts of Dr. Dhirendra Singh and Dr. Sanjay Jain as Webmaster.
  17. The most comprehensive Directory of UPOA was published in 2010 with the efforts of Dr Rajeev Agarwal and Dr Dhirendra Singh.
  18. The first blue book and constitution in the form of a booklet was published by Dr Jamal Ashraf in 2013
  19. Five clubs of UPOA namely Agra,Ghaziabad,Kanpur, Lucknow and Varanasi have organised IOACON
  20. The new Abbas Ali Khan Memorial lecture was added to UPCON in 2012.

event calendar


Dr. Amit Jaiswal
Honorary Secretary - U.P. Orthopaedic Association
Secretariat Address- D 58/7-38 Bhagwandas colony Rathyatra, Orthomax Hospital, Varanasi, 221010

+91 9415087330

UPOA Office No: +91 9415679511

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